LATEST: Parliament Hill achieve Green Mark Level 3 accreditation
In January 2020, we formed a project group to identify ways that we can improve our business practices, not only for us as a company but also for all of our stakeholders.
To begin with, we surveyed our team to find out what sustainability means to us as individuals. This was important to us as we want to be committed to working towards a more sustainable future together as one team. After collating the results of the survey and some extensive research, we formulated our three key pillars of sustainability:
We will provide a safe environment for our team, clients, members and brand partners to assist in reaching their own sustainability objectives. -
Parliament Hill will do everything possible minimise the environmental impact for our clients, members and brand partners to ensure the future is not impacted by our actions -
Analyse our costs to see where we can be more financially sustainable and that our investments and partnerships are aligned to meet our sustainability approach
With these three key areas in mind, we wanted to expand the project group and educate all members of the team. We also wanted this to be more than just something we do for our team but also something to assist our clients, brand partners and most importantly members as they are at the heart of what we do.
While we recognise this is just the beginning, we are proud of the work we have done and are continuing to do in an effort to have a positive and lasting impact for the environmental future.